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Northern Territory North Zone Premier League 2010



Player Goals Ass. Points Penalty
Manolis Giallouris 9 - 9 1
David McRoberts 8 - 8 -
Nick Ferteklis 7 - 7 -
Helio Caravalho 4 - 4 -
Michael Touw 4 - 4 -
Robert Kilmartin 3 - 3 1
John Makyrlos 3 - 3 -
Pedro Stefanidakis 3 - 3 -
Marios Fitirikkos 2 - 2 -
Athan Paradisis 2 - 2 -
Kerry Ferteklis 1 - 1 -
Gavin Furlong 1 - 1 -
Rob Hubbard 1 - 1 -
Kosta Kandis 1 - 1 -
John Makrylos 1 - 1 -
Jason Robertson 1 - 1 -
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