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Northern Territory North Zone Premier League 2011



Player Goals Ass. Points Penalty
Dave McRoberts 21 - 21 -
Zelio Casimiro 20 - 20 -
Iman Mukhlis 5 - 5 -
Gordon Pereira 3 - 3 -
Joe Sheridan` 3 - 3 -
Arthur Gaye 2 - 2 -
Mario Pereira 2 - 2 -
Zico Casimiro 1 - 1 -
Sam Jackson 1 - 1 -
Scott Piper 1 - 1 -
Matthew Pratt 1 - 1 -
Alberto Serra 1 - 1 -
John Thorning 1 - 1 -
Ori Vanligen 1 - 1 -
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