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South Australia NPL - Premier League 2013



Player Goals Ass. Points Pen
Scott Tunbridge 12 - 12 2
Perry Mitris 11 - 11 -
Anthony Solagna 4 - 4 -
Liam Wooding 4 - 4 -
Adam Van Dommele 3 - 3 -
Rocky Callisto 2 - 2 -
Lawrence D'Arrigo 2 - 2 -
Joseph Polisena 2 - 2 -
Andrew Ciarla 1 - 1 -
Matthew Deegan 1 - 1 -
David Menechella 1 - 1 -
Andrew Orphanou 1 - 1 -
Lee Robertson 1 - 1 -
James Yong 1 - 1 -
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