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South Australia NPL - Premier League 2013


West Torrens Birkalla

Player Goals Ass. Points Pen
Tom Briscoe 6 - 6 1
David Scalamera 6 - 6 -
Ryan Kitto 5 - 5 1
Scott Nagel 5 - 5 -
Anthony Taylor 4 - 4 -
Michael De Bono 3 - 3 -
Adam Le Cornu 3 - 3 -
David Thornton 3 - 3 1
Tom Dittmar 2 - 2 -
Justin Bralic 1 - 1 -
John-Paul Cirillo 1 - 1 1
John Fusco 1 - 1 -
Jake Monaco 1 - 1 -
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