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Tasmania South Premier League 2013


Clarence United

Player Goals Ass. Points Penalty
Christo Tsakiris 10 - 10 -
Sam Karas 7 - 7 -
Ryan Thurley 7 - 7 -
Lachlan Brown 5 - 5 -
William Malovnek 5 - 5 -
Jeremy Price 5 - 5 -
Edward Roberts 5 - 5 -
Angus Hardwick 4 - 4 -
Declan Brown 3 - 3 -
Lachlan Hardiwck 3 - 3 -
Rowan Heggie 2 - 2 -
Callum Brown 1 - 1 -
Liam Finlay 1 - 1 -
Harrison Reading 1 - 1 -
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