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Western Australia National Premier League 2014


Inglewood United

Player Goals Ass. Points Penalty
Ryan Clarke 15 - 15 3
Teeboy Kamara 6 - 6 -
Scott Blackmore 3 - 3 -
Ryan Francis 3 - 3 -
Andrija Jukic 3 - 3 -
Abdul Sesay 3 - 3 -
Greg Sharland 3 - 3 -
Shane Pickering 2 - 2 -
David Sesay 2 - 2 -
Sean Browne 1 - 1 -
Million Butshire 1 - 1 -
Emmanuel Mansaray 1 - 1 -
Jarrod McNally 1 - 1 -
Jonathon Stripe 1 - 1 -
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