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Football Pools Goal Rush

Capital Football PS4 National Premier League 2017


Canberra Olympic

Player Goals Ass. Points Penalty
Stephen Domenici 28 - 28 8
Joshua Gulevski 7 - 7 -
Robert Cattanach 6 - 6 -
Jeremy Habtemariam 6 - 6 1
Jordan Tsekenis 5 - 5 -
Timothy Bobolas 2 - 2 -
Daniel Colbertaldo 2 - 2 -
Tom McLachlan 2 - 2 -
Nicholas Bobolas 1 - 1 -
Josh Calabria 1 - 1 -
Michael John 1 - 1 -
Nathen Megic 1 - 1 -
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Football Pools Goal Rush