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Tasmania Northern Championship 2017


Launceston City

Player Goals Ass. Points Penalty
Mackenzie Hancox 10 - 10 -
Nathan Bartlett 6 - 6 -
Vincent Kamano 3 - 3 -
Noah Mies 3 - 3 -
Alexander Rossetto 3 - 3 -
Nicholas Thorne 3 - 3 -
Nathan Butler 2 - 2 -
Joseph Dorazio 2 - 2 -
Evan Fagan 2 - 2 -
Dylan O'Connor 2 - 2 -
Will Tedeschi 2 - 2 -
Alexander Bower 1 - 1 -
Josh Clark 1 - 1 -
Thomas Frost 1 - 1 -
Reece Gould 1 - 1 -
Kyle Kelly 1 - 1 -
Jarrod Linger 1 - 1 -
Scott Mahony 1 - 1 -
Alexander Turner 1 - 1 -
Dylan Williams 1 - 1 -
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