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Football Queensland Premier League 2018



Player Goals Ass. Points Penalty
Jordan Dozzi 8 - 8 1
Mustafa Jafari 7 - 7 -
Christopher Bacon 5 - 5 2
Michael Morrow 4 - 4 -
Kai Barnes 3 - 3 -
Simon Biel 3 - 3 -
Peter Drager 3 - 3 -
Samir Rezaee 3 - 3 1
Kosi Yannakopoulos 3 - 3 -
Blair Ferguson 2 - 2 -
Hamish Bell 1 - 1 -
Emryn Donnelly-Fagan 1 - 1 -
Ngwese Ebangwese 1 - 1 -
Jeremy Griffin 1 - 1 -
Thomas Schulz 1 - 1 -
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