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Victoria National Premier League Two 2019



Player Goals Ass. Points Penalty
Matthew Townley 8 - 8 3
Denis Yongule 5 - 5 -
Kyle Markham 4 - 4 -
Paul Nicolescu 4 - 4 -
Antonio Pirrottina 3 - 3 -
Adamson Ajayi 2 - 2 -
Matthew Thorne 2 - 2 -
Michael Yoseski 2 - 2 -
Louis Bentley 1 - 1 -
Luis Covarrubias 1 - 1 -
Srecko Mitrovic 1 - 1 -
Feli Sheriff 1 - 1 -
Aaron Spain 1 - 1 -
Joshua Talev 1 - 1 -
Michael Trigger 1 - 1 -
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